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LQPV Community Preschool


Community Ed


LQPV Community Preschool

Cooperating & collaborating, LQPV School District, through the School Readiness program and Prairie Five Head Start, offer preschool experiences for children who are at least 3-years-old by September 1.  Preschool classrooms are located in both Appleton-Milan & Madison-Marietta-Nassau Elementary School buildings.

For more information, contact the Community Education Office. 

Phone: 320-752-4844 


For information on Little Eagles Daycare, click here.


LQPV Preschool Screening

Early Childhood Screening is a free and simple check of how your child is growing, developing, and learning. Screening at 3 is preferred, but a child may be screened between the ages of 3 and the start of kindergarten as required by law. Individual screening times will be mailed to families that are on the census. If you have a 3, 4 or 5 year has not been screened  please contact the Community Education Office, 320-752-4818.

See below for items included in your Preschool Screening Packet. 

Registration for Early Childhood Screening

Parent Consent

Preschool Screening Health History

Early Childhood Family Education (ECFE)

Lac qui Parle Valley ECFE offers a variety of opportunities for families with young children to spend time together as a family or one-to-one (one parent, one child). ECFE is a great place to get acquainted with other parents in the community who have young children. Classes offer parent-child activities that give parents a special time with their child as well as a time to discuss parenting issues with other moms and dads. 

Is your family new to the community? Please call the Community Education Office  to get on our census and to receive information about early childhood screening, ECFE and preschool classes and special events.

Preschool Forms

Community Preschool Registration Form 2024-2025

Preschool Fees

Head Start/Early Head Start Application 2024-2025

Head Start/Early Head Start Application (Spanish) 2024-2025



For information on Little Eagles Daycare, click here.

Do you have concerns about the development of your infant/toddler/preschooler?

Visit for helpful parenting tips and resources or to make a referral for your child. 

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